Anyway, on to the point of this post: music! "Sleepwalk" is fitting for me right now on many levels: due to aforementioned activity in my social life I've been up wayyy past my bedtime a few times these past weeks, and after a new friend's birthday party last night I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep! Add that to the fact that I only got 5 hours the night before, and I'm totally exhausted right now, feeling a bit fuzzy-eyed and in a bit of a sleepwalk. But it was well worth it, because in sacrificing normal sleeping hours I've heard some incredibly amazing musicians in this group of people and I can't believe my luck in meeting them! I swear they're all going places, they're wonderful and so talented and I feel totally content to be able to listen. Leading me to the next reason that "Sleepwalk" is an appropriate song for me right now: One of these musicians is a guy (the first I met in the group) whose songs are so lyrically charming and happy-making, and more mellow, compared to the big band/swing music I've been in a mood for over the past few months. And now I'm finding myself choosing softer-sounding songs on my iPod, such as "Sleepwalk". This song also sounds like (to me) a perfect mix of melancholy and joy, if that makes sense, which is kind of how I'm feeling at this point in my summer, in this big city alone and just meeting these great people, trying to relish being young and here and now while trying not to stress about all the changes I've got coming up in the next year and all the work I need to do to bring them about. Le sigh.
Alright, this isn't supposed to be a personal blog. Point is, I've loved this song since I first heard it as a kid (I think on a road trip with my dad, but I may be projecting), and I still love it all these years later! I hope it does something for you too.
"Sleepwalk" by Santo & Johnny, 1959.
- Emily
I love this song! :-)