Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh Me, Oh My.

Yes. I am posting again... Within minutes of my last post. I am horrid, I know. But I finally am in a location with wifi, so I am taking advantage of it, by golly!

First off, blogs I'd like to thank for being particularly awesome:

(Disclaimer: This does not represent "The Cats and the Berries" as a whole. These choices solely reflect my person opinion, thus Emily cannot be held responsible for any of my bias. Seeing as she doesn't like to play favorites and I am not playing, I really see no problem with this...)

Second, I know I say this everyfriggintime I post, BUT I am really starting to get some ideas in tact for legitimate blog posts. Now the problem lies in my lack of internet. Oh, the hoops I face.

And lastly, some 1950s-style love.

Hair comb borrowed (stolen)  from my mum
shirt from Goodwill
Skirt I made
Shoes gifted from Em, but she got the at Goodwill.

from here

from here

oh and Hugo. Modern. 1930s period film. If for some reason you haven't seen it, stop what you're doing and GO. It made me so very happy. I can say safely  Emily did love this, too. We saw it when we were together. We both cried a little tear.

Yes just a whole lotta love coming from me, this day. The wonderful bunch of nut-cases who make up my family, LOTR, Sherlock (BBC, obvs.,) and cooking/eating/baking great things have put me in a right chipper state.

I hope you all are happy, too.

Eat cake.



  1. wow! what method are you using on curling your hair? it looks epic! :)

  2. Thank you for the blog love, dearie, it's completely mutual! Love your outfit, and your adorable room. And I LOVED Hugo; I may've been the only one in in the theatre over age ten who wasn't a parent, but it was so worth it.

  3. You have such good taste! <3 Esme and the Laneway is one of my absolute favourites!

    Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

  4. LOVE your outfit and thank you for the shout-out. I think you're particularly awesome! Still haven't seen Hugo. I guess I'll wait for it to come out on DVD at this point! I like watching movies at home best, though, so it's OK. :-)

  5. Irac: Thank you! I pin curl my hair using this method:

    Thanks y'all, I am always happy to give credit where it is due :)
