Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Very Belated (and Boring) Post

Hi Y'all..... I am so glad to see that you have welcomed Emily back to graciously after her months of being M.I.A from the blog. I should hope you'll do the same for me. I have been absurdly busy with a new job (with the Historic Charleston Foundation!) so I haven't exactly remembered about my secret online life. Until today... And now I feel badly. I don't have a whole lot to say or update you on, other than a smashingly good St. Patty's weekend, during which I baked really kick-ass Irish Car Bomb flavored cupcakes (actually that was before the 17th, for my mom's birthday, but it's relevant.) as well as stayed in a house that, allegedly, hasn't been redecorated since the late 1950s. It is in Columbia, SC and belongs to my cousin-in-law's (if that's a real title...) family. It was such a treat getting to stay there hanging out with my cousins and a couple of friends of the cousin nearest to my age. We all had a great time and went to a great show and everything was just greatgreatgreat.  To prove just how great it was here are some crappy iPhone pictures of the house early in the morn (while all of the boys were still passed out) when it was nice and bright. 

blurry picture of the bedroom I slept in.

The adorable green/blue bathroom connected to my room.

Pretty mirror and wall paper, me thinks.

The Library, where we hung out and listened to Glenn Miller for a while.

The library's couch and charming portrait of the paternal figure.

mmmmmmk! so yes. That is all I have for you this day.
Oh wait! There are two things I'd like to ask of you:
1. If you play words with friends or Scramble please feel free to add me (on facebook or by username. Let me know if you want it via comment or message.)
2. If you are in Charleston, South Carolina soon COME SEE ME! I work at one of the house museums as well as sell tickets for the Festival of Houses and Gardens, sooooo please do try to find me if you're around! I would love to meet so many of you all!

ok that's really all.

Fairwell friends!

x Gracie


  1. Replies
    1. Very cool! One of the rooms looks like it was used in the movie The Help!

  2. What a lovely house! I love the wall-papers in all the rooms, so pretty!

  3. What great and wonderful tiles on the bathroom floor!
