Saturday, September 10, 2011

Artist Feature: Rolf Armstrong

Hello friends!

I'm now safely and successfully in England! If you haven't read on here before, I'll be here, in Oxford, until December studying for school. Two weeks before my classes are out, Gracie will be coming to England and after school ends we'll take a week to travel somewhere, anywhere, in Europe! It will be hard to choose where to go together, and it will be severely limited by our limited funds, but being together will make anywhere grand!
Not that this place isn't grand - my goodness, Oxford is absolutely stunning! I've been to England before, but only ever to London, and I think Oxford is far superior... I'm going to sound very tourist-y and gush-y and effusive and say that Oxford is just really, really, really beautiful. Ancient architecture everywhere, amazing gardens, the greenest grass, cobblestone streets... a totally different landscape from the mildly drought-ridden and extremely hot South US! Obviously the place is chock-full of history, much of it very interesting, and I learned just a fraction of it today when my fellow students and I got a tour of Oxford. I feel so foolish for not bringing my camera, because everything was picture-worthy, but I can always walk down there again... I'll just feel awkward doing it when I'm not in a group! 
Anyway, I'll put some pictures up soon, the house I'm staying in is also beautiful, it's this restored Victorian mansion and I've got the room right overlooking the lovely gardens in the back! 

Okay, onto the point of the post - another artist that I adore very much, Rolf Armstrong! I love his super saturated jewel tone palatte and the often dramatic way he paints his lovely ladies. He's pretty popular, so I'm sure most of you have seen some of his images at some point or another - but here are a few of my favorites!

- Emily 


  1. These are just glorious! Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog post xox

  2. The images are beautiful - thank you for posting them :)

    Why are you in Oxford? (I only just happened across your blog, so forgive me if you've already elaborated on this). Your trip sounds delightful! I just spent a month taking summer school classes in Cambridge, which is quite a similar place to Oxford, so I feel you on how amazing it is to live in such a place. I hope you have a glorious time and take many poetic pictures.


  3. Thank you both!

    Michelle, I'm in Oxford on a semester-long study abroad/foreign exchange program. I'm living with students from my US school while taking classes at Oxford! That's neat you've just been in Cambridge, I shall have to ask you about the best vintage haunts there, as I plan on making an excursion there sometime this semester!

  4. Ah wow, that's amazing - I wish my university had such a splendid partnership. Alas!

    Here's my Cambridge spiel for you:

    If you are to visit a single store in Cambridge, definitely drop into "Ark" which is near King's College, around the corner from the ice-cream parlour - near the marketplace. It's quite easy to spy as it has a very pink banner out the front. "Ark" sells homewares and such for two floors (lovely things), but the third floor is all vintage. There's quite a lot of mid-century vintage, as well as some later more retro items, and it isn't too expensive. I believe they only open the vintage floor on Saturdays, but if you ask they'll let you go up on another day. It's totally worth visiting. Apart from "Ark" there isn't so much, save for a number of op shops and another store called "Jemporium Vintage" which is ok, but is more 70s/80s.

    Voila! Have a splendid semester abroad - hopefully we shall see some pictures :)

  5. Oooh such pretty Rolf Armstrong work--many of which I've never seen before.

    I'm absolutely dying of jealousy that you're in Oxford for the semester! I can't wait to see your photos. My husband and I were just catching up on Lewis this weekend and I'm always taken aback by how gorgeous Oxford is. Enjoy yourself--and be sure to keep us updated! :-)

  6. Michelle - The spiel is much appreciated! This will definitely come into handy whenever I manage to unbury myself from these books and take a trip over there!
    Lauren - I had never heard of that show before! Thanks for the well wishes :)

  7. What do you think the value of a Painting from Rolf Armstrong is particularly the Kiss Proof Girl.
